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Bring a Friend Offer

How to wear a Buff - a number of photogrpahs of Buffs being worn in different ways

Bring a friend with you and get a free Original BUFF® each

We always recommend learning new skills with a friend. Not only is it more fun to have someone you know along, but it's also a good idea to learn with a friend so you can go away and coach each other after your course. Two minds are better than one when it comes to recalling all the lessons learned on our courses.

We'd like to encourage you to bring a friend along by offering you and your friend a free Original BUFF® (worth £13 each) when you book your course together.

Original BUFF® is a multifunctional tubular accessory ideal for many activities. Designed to keep you warm in the cold, Original BUFF® will also wick moisture (sweat) away from your skin to keep you cool when it's hot. The lightweight, breathable, microfibre fabric is also wind resistant and extremely comfortable to wear.

Buff logoHow to claim your free Buff

Just quote BUFFOFFER in the comments box when you make your booking.

Offer terms and conditions

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About Singletrack School

Singletrack School provide mountain bike skills coaching, mountain bike technique courses, mountain bike skills weekends, women's mountain bike skills courses, private mountain bike skills tuition, off-road skills instruction for kids and families, guided singletrack rides and cross country bike adventures in The Surrey Hills and beyond.

We also organise and deliver team building and corporate entertainment events for corporate customers, and experience days and social events for schools, clubs, youth groups, stag parties and hen parties.

Singletrack School Sponsors - Cycleworks, Satmap, Endura, Five Ten, Orange, Grangers, Muc-Off, Specialized, Exposure Lights, Buffera and SIngletrack Magazine

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